I walked out feeling like a massive load had been lifted. That sense of mental and physical lightness persisted long after our session. Today, I rarely think about the conflict that had preyed on my mind for many years.
I have recommended Vinati to several friends and family who have gone onto experience her extraordinary gift for healing.”



Personally, she has helped me many times to address intrigue issues of my being, by showing me the way to enlightenment.”

Most importantly, her follow ups post sessions, reflects how much she cares about her clients. Vinati excels in her profession as a healer! She was the driver for me to overcome lots of lifes complexities without direct influence and this was very important for me! I can’t thank you enough for your support and dedication!
Stay Blessed.”


A. A

I had many ups and downs but the ultimate was a near death experience with Covid in 2021. Had it not been for Vinati’s energy healing I would not be writing this today. From saving my life to rehabilitation was all a hand held journey clearly stepped into actions, corrections and recovery. She scanned me regularly, advised me and cleaned up the mess.
She did this for 6 months on an ongoing basis with regular monitoring and sessions. I will recommend this to anyone and everyone wholeheartedly.”

When I decided to book a session of theta healing it was more out of intrigue and just a trial in my mind. I had no idea that it would help me so much and cause such a positive shift.
She has the ability to make you feel comfortable and her processes make you heal yourself.
I would recommend Vinati’s sessions to anyone who is ready to help himself/herself. As she always says she only shows you a path but you need to walk the path. To achieve that firstly we need to ‘want to find the path to walk’. My go to person for soul searching will surely be Vinati.
I wish her all the best and may she heal many many more people to make this world a better place.”